David Liebtag
2006-02-01 00:37:07 UTC
I am writing code to warn my users if they select a font that does not
contain characters used in our product. I'm using GetGlpyhIndicesW to
translate a string of Unicode characters into glpyh indices. This is
working fine except for a handful of fonts for which it is returning 0xFFFF
for Unicode codepoint U005F (which is the underscore character.)
The font developer swears the fonts contain this character and they
certainly seem to to me.
Can anyone suggest why GetGlyphIndices is indicating the fonts do not
contain this character?
Thank you.
David Liebtag
contain characters used in our product. I'm using GetGlpyhIndicesW to
translate a string of Unicode characters into glpyh indices. This is
working fine except for a handful of fonts for which it is returning 0xFFFF
for Unicode codepoint U005F (which is the underscore character.)
The font developer swears the fonts contain this character and they
certainly seem to to me.
Can anyone suggest why GetGlyphIndices is indicating the fonts do not
contain this character?
Thank you.
David Liebtag